Your Choir94 Videos
A Little Jazz Mass – Bob Chilcott – Busan Harmony Choir
8th Concert of Busan Harmony Choir Conducted by 최정일(객원 지휘) Facebook : Busan Harmony Choir
Ubi Caritas – Ola Gjeilo – Lichtenberger Kammerchor Piekfeine Töne
#chormusik #chamberchoir #ubicaritas #olagjeilo Wieder Chor werden Ein Videoprojekt des Lichtenberger Kammerchors Piekfeine Töne Mit der eigenen Stimme zu einem gemeinsamen Klang beitragen, das ist Chorgesang. In diesen einsamen Zeiten haben wir uns vorgenommen, wieder wirklich zu einem Chor zu werden – jede*r einzeln, und doch zusammen dank digitaler Technik. Folgt uns in diesem […]
World On Our Shoulders – Siparantum Choir – #Resolution2020
We’re singing the Resolution Song with communities around the world. Together we’re calling for urgent action on the climate crisis. Stand with us and make a resolution for the planet. #Resolution2020 Together we can make a difference. #Kosovo Resolution is a global climate action project in collaboration with Decca/Universal Music and WWF. It will see […]
Pro Pace | Oração pela Paz | Prayer for peace | Henrique de Curitiba | Helma Haller | CCantorum
Nas palavras do próprio compositor “O tema da paz continua sempre atual. Esta oração que é quase um grito de angústia, clama ao Senhor, nosso Deus, pela tão desejada paz, por todos os homens de boa vontade”. In the words of the composer himself, “The theme of peace is always current. This prayer, which is […]
Daniel Elder • Ave Maria | Neuer Kammerchor Berlin | 2020
NEUER KAMMERCHOR BERLIN | Leitung: Adrian Emans _________________________________________ Daniel Elder (*1986) • Ave Maria (Lizenz über GIA Publications, Inc.) _________________________________________ Aufgenommen im Mai 2019 (Ton) und August 2020 (Video). Produktion: Neuer Kammerchor Berlin e.V., Herzog Media Regie: Stephan Herzog & Maria Gable Produktionsleitung: Malin Meier Kamera: Stephan Herzog Tanz und Choreografie: Annabell […]
Coral da UnB – Isto aqui o que é – Ari Barroso
Coral da UnB – 40 anos 2021 Produzido em quarentena durante a pandemia de Covid-19 Obra: Isto aqui o que é Música: Ari Barroso Arranjo: Eduardo D. Carvalho Adaptação para Piano: Cristina Carvalho Bateria: Acadêmicos da Asa Norte Piano: Marília de Alexandria Regência: Maestro Éder Camúzis
ICHB Colentina #totulvafibine – Săracă inima mea
🔔Subscribe:… ✅Official Site: 🙌Facebook: 👀Instagram: 📝Submissions: Acest video este dedicat tututor eroilor din linia întâi: medici, asistenți medicali, ambulanțieri, infirmieri, brancardieri, jandarmi, pompieri, polițiști, militari și tuturor oamenilor buni. Vă mulțumim! Mulțumim pianistului Mark Oselski! 5 mai 2020 #ichbcolentina #școalaonline #eroilordinliniaîntâi #prețuieșteviața #totulvafibine #staiacasă
ONLY IN SLEEP | APZ France Prešeren Kranj in Ernestina Jošt | Božična skrivnost z Gimnazijo Kranj
Akademski pevski zbor France Prešeren Kranj, solo: Ernestina Jošt (sopran) Erik Šmid, dirigent ONLY IN SLEEP Glasba: Ēriks Ešenvalds, besedilo: Sara Teasdale Ajda Pahor de Maiti, deklica Scenarij in koreografija: Eva Jelovčan, Ana Pahor de Maiti Grafična podoba: Jernej Kejžar Tonski mojster: Iztok Zupan (Studio Klopotec) Video produkcija: Juš Hrastnik, Gal Nagode (TAJUS produkcija) Posneto […]
Bridge over troubled water (험한세상 다리가 되어, Paul Simon) / 부산하모니합창단 (Busan Harmony Choir)
부산하모니합창단 제13회정기연주회 2016. 6. 18. 토 부산문화회관 대극장 지 휘 김 강 규 피아노 김 민 선 Busan Harmony Choir 13th Regular Concert 18 June, 2016 Busan Cultural Center Grand Hall Conducted by Kang-kyu, Kim Piano Min-seon, Kim
Uptown Funk
Dieses Video ist eine Persiflage auf den Song Uptown Funk von Bruno Mars. Es wurde vom Popchor Naked Notes in Seekirchen bei Salzburg/Österreich in Zusammenarbeit mit Richard Griesfelder und Lukas Doppelreiter im Jahr 2022 erstellt.
Goodall: Eternal Light / deCHORALE @ QEH Antwerp 2018
Performance by Performed on 11 november 2018 in Queen Elisabeth Hall Antwerp by – choir: deCHORALE – orchestra: La Passione – soloists: Liesbeth Devos, Thomas Blondelle, Charles Dekeyser, Jan Wouters – conductor: Paul Dinneweth. Info