Sirene, 10. International Brahms Choir Competition

Muhteşem deneyimlerle dolu bir haftanın ardından Almanya’dan ülkemize yarıştığımız iki kategoride de iki altın madalya ve iki çok özel ödülle dönmenin gururu yanında Türkiye’yi en iyi şekilde temsil etmenin mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz.

Bu yolda bize inanan ve desteklerini esirgemeyen, çok değerli sanat destekçileri Daruma Şirketi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Sayın Okan Altuğ’a, Gazella Turizm Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Velit Gazel’e, Letoonia Resort Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Sayın Cihat Gazel’e, Işık Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyeti Başkan Vekili Sayın Mehmet Kamil Özkartal’a, Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfı Başkanı Sayın Akın Süel’e ve Bülent İşmen’e sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi sunuyoruz.

Ekibimizin sahne üzerinde gözükmeyen ciddi bir kısmı daha var!
Tüm süreç boyunca yaşadıklarımızı sevgili takipçilerimizle ve halkımızla paylaşmamızı sağlayan değerli fotoğrafçımız Mehmet Salıcı’ya, tüm konserlerimizin ses kayıtlarını yapan ses mühendisimiz Emre Peynircioğlu’na, görsel tasarımcımız Ünsal Gürkan’a ve son olarak çok değerli koreografımız, yarıştığımız ve altın madalya kazandığımız “Folklor Kategorisi”nin yaratıcı mimarlarından olan sevgili Korhan Başaran’a değerli emeklerinden dolayı çok teşekkür ediyoruz.

Sanatı destekleyen sizler oldukça “Uzak Denizlerden Gelen Sesimizi” dünya koro arenasında yaymaya, yenilikçi projelerle dinamik bir şekilde Dünya arenasında ülkemizi temsil etmeye ve başarılarla dolu bir gelecek çizmeye devam edeceğiz.

Önümüzdeki sezondaki konserlerimizde ve projelerimizde birlikte olmak dileklerimizle.

Sirene, Turkey’s first and most prominent female chamber choir, participated in the 10th International Johannes Brahms Choir Festival & Competition in Wernigerode, Germany on July 5th-9th and was awarded multiple prizes. It was the first time for Turkey to be represented in the internationally renowned competition that takes place every two years since 1997. The “siren”s successfully put Turkey’s name on the international choir scene and were recognised as one of the best amongst their international competitors.

Sirene was one of the four choirs to be invited to perform at the opening ceremony of the event. During the competition, they performed pieces by J. Brahms, G. P. Palestrina, J. Busto, L. Bardos plus conductor Volkan Akkoç’s original pieces under the Chamber Choirs/Vocal Ensembles of Equal Voices Category and was awarded with the Golden Diploma. Sirene’s performance in the Folklore Category consisting of Akkoç’s arrangements of Turkish folk ballads such as “Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım”, “Divane Aşık”, “Leblebi Koydum Tasa”, and “Sarı Gelin” combined with the choreography of Korhan Başaran brought Sirene their second Golden Diploma of the competition.

Beside these two golden diplomas, Sirene also brought back home two of the jury’s special prizes. “Outstanding Performance of Contemporary Coral Music” was awarded to Sirene’s performance of Akkoç’s composition of the poem “Bedava” by Turkish poet Orhan Veli, while Akkoç was awarded “Conductor Prize”, coming first amongst the 30 choir conductors.

With these accomplishments, the quality of choir music performed in Turkey and the Turkish talent has been introduced to the world on an international level. Consequently, Turkey’s ranking at international choir music has significantly improved, as recognised by INTERKULTUR, the foundation who organises the competition. With the golden diplomas, Sirene has qualified to compete in World Choir Games’ The Champions Competition in the next five years.

This was Sirene’s first international competition. In addition to the prizes awarded, the jury consensus on the choir’s performance was extremely favourable. Akkoç commented that they were all very happy and proud to have successfully represented Turkey in the competition and grateful to everyone who have supported Sirene throughout this journey.

Sirene was founded in 2014 with Istanbul University State Conservatory faculty member Volkan Akkoç’s initiative. With the motto “Our voice echoes from the distant seas”, Sirene makes reference to the mythical and alluring Greek creatures the “sirens”. The dynamic, brave, and free spirit of the Turkish woman is strongly present in the choir’s fusion of western and Anatolian musical elements. The core choir members are the conservatory students and alumni, and each newcomer goes through a thorough audition process. Sirene has been performing in different genres from various periods in the music history (classical, jazz, folklore) for the last three years. Their aim is to perform choral music to their best ability.


Artistic Director and Conductor:

Volkan Akkoç


Ayça Tuncel
Ceren Aydın Akkoç
Merve Berrak
Göksu Hazal Subaşı
Gözde Köse
Hazal Karakaş
Sibel Demir


Cansın Hazan Bayrak
Canan Bozkurt
Ece Esi
Günselin Seda Çetinkaya
Merve Pala
Merve Tokat

VİDEO: Zahirî Memed Efendi
Sound Recording & Mastering: Emre Peynircioğlu

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