A Choral Journey: Choirs from the United States at the World Choir Games

They do exist, the moments that change everything. The World Choir Games are full of moments like that. There are so many things you can win: medals, new friends, profound insights, wonderful memories and many uplifting experiences.

When INTERKULTUR brought the World Choir Games to American soil for the first time in 2012 it was a life-changing experience for many choirs in the United States to see choirs from different cultures and to hear them singing in foreign languages.

That’s typical for the World Choir Games – they bring musical worlds together and you meet the whole world in one place. You get to know each other and overcome differences, and every singer who takes part ends up knowing that everybody is the same, not different. It’s not a coincidence that these Games are known as the “World” Choir Games. That sounds like an invitation. And it’s meant to be one.

Learn how to join the World Choir Games by visiting www.worldchoirgames.com!

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